Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What is the correct usage of the word "Syndicate"?

I'd like to know what the correct usage of the word Syndicate is in the context of "a group of X".


Is it:

Developer Syndicate


Developers Syndicate

Thanks! :)What is the correct usage of the word "Syndicate"?
Either "Developer Syndicate"

or "Developer's Syndicate" with an apostrophe.What is the correct usage of the word "Syndicate"?
Looks like either would work. Singular or Plural take your choice.

noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb

part of speech: noun

pronunciation: sIn d蓹 kiht

definition 1: a group of individuals, organizations, or corporations making some joint effort or undertaking joint negotiations or transactions.

definition 2: an agency that purchases articles, photographs, and the like for distribution to a number of different newspapers and periodicals.

related words: cartel, coalition, combine, confederacy, corporation, league, mob, trust, union

part of speech: transitive verb

pronunciation: sIn d蓹 keIt

inflections: syndicated, syndicates, syndicating

definition 1: to join or organize (individuals, corporations, or the like) into a syndicate.

definition 2: to sell (articles, photographs, or the like) to be used in a number of newspapers or other periodicals.

related words: affiliate

part of speech: intransitive verb

pronunciation: sIn d蓹 keIt

definition: to become organized into a syndicate.

related words: league

derivation: syndication (n.)

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